Jalosky Family Christmas Letter – 2022 Hello, dear family and friends, I hope this Christmas season brings you comfort and joy as we celebrate the coming of our savior, Jesus. He is the ultimate hope giver. And for those who know him, the knowledge of his coming, his life, and his sacrifice for us is […]


Jalosky Family Christmas Letter – 2022

2021 Jalosky Family Wrap Up (Scroll to see more photos) Here we are at the end of another year. It’s been a crazy one for sure. It was my most profitable year of business ever! I photographed 5 weddings, 3 engagement sessions, 18 family sessions, and 5 other portrait sessions! I also helped a friend […]


2021 Jalosky Family Wrap Up

Get ready for another Jalosky Weekly because this post is packed full of fun things from the last TWO months! I’ve been living that Pittsburgh photographer life over here. I’ve been so busy with family sessions and weddings since the last time I released one of these. So hang on tight, because this is going […]


Jalosky Weekly – Voume 12 – Pittsburgh Photographer Life

It’s the simple things in life that end up being the best. The smallest details can teach us the biggest lessons. For example, if a bird builds a nest on a very loose and easily shaken blind that frequently is in the path of high wind, you should probably take it down as soon as […]


Jalosky Weekly – Volume 10 – Gardening, Water Play, and Bird Nests

Wow! What a week! It definitely ranks up there in my favorite week of the year. It was so jam packed full of wonderful things, but I’ll tell ya, I’m ready to just sleep for a month now. Part of that is due to how busy we were, and part of that is due to […]


Jalosky Weekly – Volume 9 – Birthdays, Deep Creek Lake, and Easter

I feel like last Sunday was SO long ago already. This volume of Jalosky Weekly is just packed full of fun activities and bucketloads of sunshine! We spent a lot of time in the great outdoors this week. I’ve lost track of how many hours we’ve spent outside in the last few weeks. I was […]


Jalosky Weekly – Volume 8 – 5 Years Together, 3 Years Old, A Lifetime of Love

Here we are. One full circle around the sun since our dear Layla Grace was born! The sun was shining the day she was born. I could see just a glimpse of it from the delivery room. Then we moved to the post-partum room, and the rays were streaming in the giant windows of the […]


Jalosky Weekly – Volume 7 – Layla’s Birthday Week

It feels like spring! But as I carefully reminded myself and Alethea that it was still indeed winter for a few more days, I couldn’t help but feel wonderful knowing that winter is ALMOST OVER. It’s been an unusual winter for us this year, but a really good one! We actually had a good amount […]


Jalosky Weekly | Volume 6 | Bunnies, Babies, and Beautiful Weather

The word “routine” describes our week fairly well. Because of that, I really don’t have that much to write. (I know…Ellen at a loss for words?) Really, I’ve been so exhausted that my brain isn’t even functioning at full power. Two more teeth have come through for Layla! That brings her up to 6. I […]


Jalosky Weekly – Volume 5 – Round Hill Park and Exhibit Farm

“Mama, is it Deep Creek time yet?” Alethea asked me yesterday. While it has been a glorious winter with so much snow, after the super warm day we had on Wednesday, I think we’re all ready for it to be Deep Creek time! My brother and my youngest sister have been making day trips to […]


Jalosky Weekly – Volume 4 – Birthdays, Kites, and Target Shopping


Ellen Jalosky


White Oak, PA