Jalosky Weekly | Volume 6 | Bunnies, Babies, and Beautiful Weather

Spring Is Coming

It feels like spring! But as I carefully reminded myself and Alethea that it was still indeed winter for a few more days, I couldn’t help but feel wonderful knowing that winter is ALMOST OVER.

It’s been an unusual winter for us this year, but a really good one! We actually had a good amount of snow, that lasted a while! Sadly, that didn’t seem to help with the draught situation we ended up in this week. There was actually a forest fire not too far from here because of it.

At the beginning of the week, I was worried I wouldn’t have too many photos to share since I spent a lot of time away from my phone. But here we are. Another big post. LOL I can’t do anything small.

Some highlights from the week were Alethea learning how to play sequence, doing several easter crafts, completing our morning easter devotional which Alethea and I have been doing the last three weeks. She had a little circle to color each day that was representative of Jesus’ life on earth. It was a lot of fun and she even memorized a verse.

Layla is basically running now. (Okay maybe not really…) but she is walking ALL AROUND. Walking all around has led to many falls. Thankfully, nothing too bad…yet. But she’s a wild and crazy one so I’m expecting her to have the majority of broken bones in our family. (Fitting…I was that kid in mine.)

Like I said, we spent a lot of time outside, each day this week. We went to the park, Alethea tried out her new (to her) bike, and we had picnics in the grass. My sister Amy even took Alethea for an Auntie outing one day this week, and I was able to take Layla out to lunch, just the two of us, for a pre-birthday celebration! She just loved being out amongst people. My kids are social butterflies. Don’t know where they get that from. Haha.

One really bad thing happened this week. As I was chopping celery for soup on Monday, I sliced my finger quite deep. It was a freshly sharpened knife and well, it was sharp. I’m lucky I didn’t cut my whole finger off. I’ve been holding the skin together with a bandaid an it finally looks decent, other than the gap where my skin pulls apart. I’ll stop talking now because that probably grosses people out. Not much grosses me out though these days. Sorry.

This week was also spent preparing for Layla’s first birthday (which is today!) Her party is on Sunday, so we spent some time working on decorations for her woodland animal birthday party! We call her our little fox since she’s a feisty red head. I even found this adorable dress on amazon that has foxes on it. I can’t wait for her to wear it!

I had to take a few photos of her last day before turning one! Including one of us together in the mirror just like I took of her in my belly the day before she was born.

I can’t believe it’s been a whole year already since our dear Layla Grace was born! You can go back and read her birth story here!

We’ll be celebrating all week I’m sure! Hope you all had an amazing week as well!

Spring Is Coming
Spring Is Coming
Spring Is Coming
Spring Is Coming
Spring Is Coming
Spring Is Coming
Spring Is Coming
Spring Is Coming
Spring Is Coming
Spring Is Coming
Spring Is Coming
Spring Is Coming
Spring Is Coming
Spring Is Coming
Spring Is Coming
Spring Is Coming
Spring Is Coming
Spring Is Coming
Spring Is Coming
Spring Is Coming
Spring Is Coming
Spring Is Coming
Spring Is Coming
Spring Is Coming
Spring Is Coming
Spring Is Coming
Spring Is Coming
Spring Is Coming
Spring Is Coming
Spring Is Coming
Spring Is Coming
Spring Is Coming

Love Deeply. Live Passionately.



Ellen Jalosky


White Oak, PA