Zeb & Emilie | Braddock’s Trail Engagement | Irwin, PA

You’d never know it from these photos, but it was only 48 degrees the day these photos were taken! Zeb and Emilie were such good sports. They braved the cold in their cute outfits for the sake of photos in fields of flowers! The flowers at Braddock’s Trail are only around for a few weeks, so you have to go when you can!Zeb-Emilie-Braddocks-Trail-engagement-01.jpg
So many people in Irwin, PA don’t even know that Braddock’s Trail exists! They do wildflower tours there certain times of the year, which I remember attending a few times as a kid. I can tell you I do not remember it being this beautiful! My photographer eye was not very keen as a child.Zeb-Emilie-Braddocks-Trail-engagement-04.jpg
It was last spring that I first heard about this girl Zeb had in his life. My then boyfriend, (now husband,) Jonathan called me on his way home from work one evening.Zeb-Emilie-Braddocks-Trail-engagement-06.jpg
“Ellen! Zeb’s at starbucks!” “Oh yeah? Did you say hi?” “NO…he’s with a GIRL!”Zeb-Emilie-Braddocks-Trail-engagement-07.jpg
Stunned and surprised, I said “Wait…what girl?? Do I know her? What does she look like?”Zeb-Emilie-Braddocks-Trail-engagement-09.jpg
He then proceeded to describe her as someone I had definitely never met before. Zeb is my cousin and we grew up in houses next to each other. He’s the oldest of 8 kids and so any big news of a potential love interest is usually public information!Zeb-Emilie-Braddocks-Trail-engagement-10.jpg
There are no secrets with about 24 family members within 100 feet of each other at all times.  Now before you think “24 people?! That’s insane! You all must be crazy!” I’m not denying that we aren’t at times.Zeb-Emilie-Braddocks-Trail-engagement-13.jpg
Our families have their ups and downs, but family is always there for each other in the end.Zeb-Emilie-Braddocks-Trail-engagement-15.jpg
So when I heard Zeb was on a DATE with a GIRL at STARBUCKS, I obviously texted him the next day to find out who she was! He was shocked that I already knew! But Irwin, PA is such a small town. You can’t get away with things like that unless you leave town. 😉Zeb-Emilie-Braddocks-Trail-engagement-17.jpg
He told me her name was Emilie and that she was a waitress at the Colonial Grille. Which coincidentally is my favorite place to eat breakfast in downtown Irwin. I might’ve hatched a sneaky plan to go in there one morning and watch her from afar just to see what she was like (okay not really) but she ended up finding me first. 🙂Zeb-Emilie-Braddocks-Trail-engagement-18.jpg
My first impression of Emilie was that she was very VERY bubbly. Which isn’t a bad thing at all! She always has a positive outlook on like and is always smiling. She makes the room light up with her presence. NO WONDER Zeb liked her! Zeb-Emilie-Braddocks-Trail-engagement-21.jpg
After a few months had passed, I was engaged to be married, and Zeb was helping us move things into our new home. I decided to use this opportunity to get any juice on whether or not he felt like this was going anywhere. 😉 I remember specifically asking him whether or not he planned to propose soon. He said “Well…maybe next summer (2017) I’ll ask her. I still have to buy the ring, and find a place to live.”Zeb-Emilie-Braddocks-Trail-engagement-23.jpg
Zeb’s a smart guy. He knows what he wants in life and he’s not afraid to go for it. Jonathan and I got married about 3 weeks after this conversation. When we came home from our honeymoon, we invited some family over to watch us open our wedding presents. My sister Amy texted me and said “Hey can Zeb and Emilie come over too?” I’d never say no to that!Zeb-Emilie-Braddocks-Trail-engagement-25.jpg
We had already begun to open our gifts when they walked in the door. Immediately, I knew something was up. They were both extra smiley and giggly. They were also a bit out of place since we hadn’t invited the rest of my cousins! Zeb looks at me and says “I have to tell you what happened today!”Zeb-Emilie-Braddocks-Trail-engagement-28.jpg
Intrigued, I said “Okay..” and he continued, “Emilie and I went for a walk at the park, and this dog came running up to us. He was super cute…” I immediately thought “Oh cool you got a dog!” but he kept going. “The dog led us to a box on the ground, and Emilie opened it.” Zeb grabbed Emilie’s left hand showed us all  the beautiful ring he had bought for her!Zeb-Emilie-Braddocks-Trail-engagement-26.jpg
And yes, he went to Jared.Zeb-Emilie-Braddocks-Trail-engagement-31.jpg
I cannot wait for their wedding! Nine days from now, they will tie the knot, and my sister Kara and I will be there to photograph their perfect day! I am so happy for you both and wish you a forever marriage full of love and happiness! <3 Zeb-Emilie-Braddocks-Trail-engagement-33.jpg






Ellen Jalosky


White Oak, PA