“Mama, is it Deep Creek time yet?” Alethea asked me yesterday. While it has been a glorious winter with so much snow, after the super warm day we had on Wednesday, I think we’re all ready for it to be Deep Creek time! My brother and my youngest sister have been making day trips to […]


Jalosky Weekly – Volume 4 – Birthdays, Kites, and Target Shopping

Welcome to the Jalosky Weekly volume 3 post! If I’m lucky, this will actually be posted on Saturday when it’s supposed to. Haha This week was mostly about celebrating Grammy’s 59th birthday and the beginning of Lent. On Saturday morning, we took Grammy out to Bob Evans for breakfast before she went to dialysis for […]


Jalosky Weekly – Volume 3 – Grammy’s Birthday Celebration

Life pretty much never goes as expected around here. Like this post for instance, it was supposed to be published yesterday. {facepalm} Not even a joke, as I finally sat down to write this, Layla hurt herself…twice. That’s just how it goes around here. Also, I hurt my shoulder/neck on Friday and the last couple […]


Jalosky Weekly | Volume 2 | Our Life In Irwin PA

Here we are. A new chapter of my life. The one where I take a break from social media. It’s funny because I’ve thought about doing this so many times for years but never could muster up the courage to actually do it. I had to take a long hard look though at my stats […]


Jalosky Weekly – Volume 1 – Our Life – Irwin PA


Ellen Jalosky


White Oak, PA