Jalosky Weekly – Volume 3 – Grammy’s Birthday Celebration

Welcome to the Jalosky Weekly volume 3 post! If I’m lucky, this will actually be posted on Saturday when it’s supposed to. Haha

This week was mostly about celebrating Grammy’s 59th birthday and the beginning of Lent. On Saturday morning, we took Grammy out to Bob Evans for breakfast before she went to dialysis for the day. It’s so nice to be able to eat in restaurants again. Even Bob Evans feels like fancy dining after this past year. LOL

Grammys Birthday Celebration
Grammys Birthday Celebration

After breakfast, Alethea and I went to the store to secretly get ingredients to make a cheesecake for Grammy as she was going to come to our house on Sunday for lunch. It was a surprise as she didn’t know about it, and because we were making her mom’s special cheesecake recipe.

I’ve never had this particular cheesecake before, but it was pretty easy to make. I got some spring form cheesecake pans at Ross a few weeks ago for ridiculously cheap and I was so excited to finally use them!

It turned out AMAZING. Possibly the best cheesecake I’ve ever had. It was so creamy in the middle and the taste was out of this world!

Grammys Birthday Celebration

Alethea took this great picture of Grammy!

Grammys Birthday Celebration
Grammys Birthday Celebration
Grammys Birthday Celebration
Grammys Birthday Celebration
Grammys Birthday Celebration
Grammys Birthday Celebration

Sunday was also valentine’s day, and as I’ve said in the past, Jonathan and I don’t really do anything special for valentine’s day, so it was just nice to be able to have his mom at our house for the first time in a very long time. She still has a broken ankle (since November) that isn’t healing, so please pray for her! I can’t imagine having a broken bone for going on 4 months, and not being able to walk.

Grammys Birthday Celebration
Grammys Birthday Celebration
Grammys Birthday Celebration
Grammys Birthday Celebration
Grammys Birthday Celebration
Grammys Birthday Celebration

Alethea has been painting a lot and she is so creative the way she does it! I let her have free reign with the paints and the results are incredible. Maybe I’m biased, but the next great artist you’re going to hear about is my Alethea Iris. She’ll be selling her work soon, I just know it.

She painted Grammy a cross and an anchor. They were so beautiful!

Grammys Birthday Celebration
Grammys Birthday Celebration
Grammys Birthday Celebration
Grammys Birthday Celebration

Then we all played Chutes and Ladders together! Alethea got it for Christmas, as well as Candyland and much enjoyed playing with someone other than me and Jonathan.

Grammys Birthday Celebration
Grammys Birthday Celebration
Grammys Birthday Celebration

There’s a lot of food pictures in this post this week. I made some dishes that I haven’t made in a while (or ever). Including these Swedish meatballs.

We finished this devotional book called “I AM” – 40 Reasons to Trust God. Alethea LOVED it. It was an incredible kids devotional and each story you learn a new name for God. We will probably go through it again in the future.

Grammys Birthday Celebration
Grammys Birthday Celebration

It’s been snowing non stop this week! I am SO happy and thrilled, because today I will be having my winter wonderland photo session! You’ll see more of that next week!

I started something new this week! The KJ Consistency Course. You probably don’t know what that is, but basically, it’s a class to improve my editing skills! I’ve learned so much already and I can’t wait to finish it! Everything is constantly changing in the photography world, so keeping up and constantly polishing my skills is very important!

Grammys Birthday Celebration

Alethea fell asleep in my arms while I was reading to her this week. That very rarely happens, but I love when it does.

Grammys Birthday Celebration
Grammys Birthday Celebration

I also made quesadillas this week! We eat tacos every week, so I’ve never felt like making them and having two taco-like foods in a week. But they were amazing. Took me back to my sheetz days when I would eat a quesadilla for lunch at least once a week.

Grammys Birthday Celebration
Grammys Birthday Celebration
Grammys Birthday Celebration

We had more fun playing upstairs in the ball pit this week! We desperately need some more balls to make it even more fun and I’m hoping they’ll get some more for one of their birthdays!

Grammys Birthday Celebration
Grammys Birthday Celebration
Grammys Birthday Celebration
Grammys Birthday Celebration

Lent began on Wednesday and Grammy made us crab cakes, cole slaw, and potato wedges. They were all so delicious!!!

Grammys Birthday Celebration

Muppet Babies season two finally showed up on Disney plus a month or two ago and Alethea has not wanted to watch it. But I turned it on this week and we quickly finished the whole season. Layla loved it as well!

Speaking of Layla, all she wanted to do was take her clothes off this week. She took her pants off about 10 times in her pack and play, and took her shirt off in the living room one day. She is our wild child.

Grammys Birthday Celebration
Grammys Birthday Celebration
Grammys Birthday Celebration

My sister Amy has been coming over once a week to help me out. I was able to get our taxes run over to my accountant and work on some personal photos while she was here! My kids just love their aunt Amy!

Grammys Birthday Celebration

And finally, last night, Jonathan and I went on our second date of the year to Gato Taco! Gato Taco opened during the pandemic, just a few months ago, and believe it or not, this was our first time there! (A taco place that it took us months to get to? I have to be joking right?)

Well it was AMAZING. OMG. We got three different kinds of tacos to share (the waitress wanted to make sure we knew how much food we were getting……..haha.) The shrimp ones were our favorite. They all have special names. These are no ordinary tacos you guys. The one with French fries is called “The Yinzer.” We also got the “Daves” shrimp tacos and their “Pops” pork carnitas. The shrimp ones were our favorite and I’m pretty sure it’s because they tasted like Chinese food on a taco. You can’t get any better than that!

My chiropractor recommended the spicy mozzarella sticks and they were also quite delicious, along with the chips and queso!

Grammys Birthday Celebration
Grammys Birthday Celebration
Grammys Birthday Celebration
Grammys Birthday Celebration

We walked over to McFeely’s Gourmet Chocolate afterwards and picked out some delicious desserts. I loved the peanut butter filled chocolate covered pretzels I got! (Yes…we should’ve drove. It was SO COLD.)

The next episode of Wanda Vision that came out yesterday was realllllllyyyyyyyy good you guys. This show just keeps shocking us one week after another! If you’re a fan of the MCU, you definitely need to get on this because…WOW.

Grammys Birthday Celebration

That’s all for now! I’ve been trying to blog other sessions in between these posts, so if you’ve missed them, just head on back to the blog main page and you can see what I’ve been up to!

My winter wonderland session that is happening later today, will be on the blog later this week! I can’t wait to show you all!

Love Deeply. Live Passionately.



Ellen Jalosky


White Oak, PA