It feels like spring! But as I carefully reminded myself and Alethea that it was still indeed winter for a few more days, I couldn’t help but feel wonderful knowing that winter is ALMOST OVER. It’s been an unusual winter for us this year, but a really good one! We actually had a good amount […]


Jalosky Weekly | Volume 6 | Bunnies, Babies, and Beautiful Weather

The word “routine” describes our week fairly well. Because of that, I really don’t have that much to write. (I know…Ellen at a loss for words?) Really, I’ve been so exhausted that my brain isn’t even functioning at full power. Two more teeth have come through for Layla! That brings her up to 6. I […]


Jalosky Weekly – Volume 5 – Round Hill Park and Exhibit Farm

“Mama, is it Deep Creek time yet?” Alethea asked me yesterday. While it has been a glorious winter with so much snow, after the super warm day we had on Wednesday, I think we’re all ready for it to be Deep Creek time! My brother and my youngest sister have been making day trips to […]


Jalosky Weekly – Volume 4 – Birthdays, Kites, and Target Shopping

Life pretty much never goes as expected around here. Like this post for instance, it was supposed to be published yesterday. {facepalm} Not even a joke, as I finally sat down to write this, Layla hurt herself…twice. That’s just how it goes around here. Also, I hurt my shoulder/neck on Friday and the last couple […]


Jalosky Weekly | Volume 2 | Our Life In Irwin PA

Here we are. A new chapter of my life. The one where I take a break from social media. It’s funny because I’ve thought about doing this so many times for years but never could muster up the courage to actually do it. I had to take a long hard look though at my stats […]


Jalosky Weekly – Volume 1 – Our Life – Irwin PA

It’s the most wonderful time of the year again! The snowflakes are falling from the sky. Christmas lights are twinkling. The anticipation of what’s to come is filling the air! It’s also the 3rd annual winter wonderland photo session giveaway! I’m so excited to be able to give a snowy session to one special family […]


Winter Wonderland Family Session | North Huntingdon Photographer


Ellen Jalosky


White Oak, PA