Chilly Fall & Warm Summer Family Photos | North Huntingdon Photographer

Bushy Run Photo Session

I’m taking it way back today with these chilly – fall and warm – summer family sessions! I decided to put them in the same post for a few reasons.

The first is that it’s the same wonderful couple whose wedding I photographed back in spring of 2018! Nina & Cody have two adorable kids and have taken advantage of my Client for Life program a few times now! If you’re not familiar with my Client for Life program, the gist of it is if I have photographed your wedding, you will receive a special discount on all future sessions! I have so many wonderful couples and families who return each year to update their photos. I love keeping up with them all and seeing their families grow!

It was extremely cold for the first set of family photos we did in the fall! The wind was blowing so hard, and if I remember correctly, it was about 25 degrees out. It wasn’t ideal at all, especially with little kids, but we got a few good photos that day at Bushy Run in Jeannette. We were only out for about 15 minutes before our fingers turned blue and our noses were so red!

Thankfully, that not so fun experience didn’t keep them from coming back for more the following summer! It was so much better for round two of family photos at Oak Hollow Park in North Huntingdon. Nina and Cody were also celebrating their first anniversary that week!

Sometimes it takes a little bribery to get some great photos of the kids, and that day it was the promise of ice cream afterwards! Let me tell you, it worked! They were so well behaved and gave me the best smiles!

I can’t wait to see them all again this fall! Their kids have grown so much since then and I am excited to capture some new memories for them! I’ve promised it won’t be 25 degrees this time. The weather better keep up its end of the bargain. hahaBushy Run Photo Session
Bushy Run Photo Session
Bushy Run Photo Session
Bushy Run Photo Session
Bushy Run Photo Session
Bushy Run Photo Session
Bushy Run Photo Session
Bushy Run Photo Session
Bushy Run Photo Session
Bushy Run Photo Session
Bushy Run Photo Session
Bushy Run Photo Session
Bushy Run Photo Session
Bushy Run Photo Session
Bushy Run Photo Session


Ellen Jalosky


White Oak, PA