Spring Baby Photos – North Huntingdon Family Photography

North Huntingdon Family Photos

I had the extreme pleasure of photographing baby Alice and her mom and dad, Naomi and Josh, back in the spring! 8 – 9 months of age is probably my absolute favorite time to take baby photos. They can sit up by themselves and are so happy and smiley! I remember when we had our own family photos taken when Alethea was 9 months old, and she was so happy the entire time! They are some of my favorite photos, to this day, of the three of us!

Naomi and Josh were married two winter’s ago. It was so much fun to attend their snowy wedding with my husband, who is Naomi’s second cousin! It was such a beautiful wedding! Now they have their precious little Alice who is so happy every time I see a photo of her!

We met for their spring family photos at Oak Hollow Park in North Huntingdon. It’s one of my favorite parks around here! There were purple flowers blooming all around, and I just loved the little buttercups that were peeking through the grass! Alice loves ducks just like my Alethea did at that age. She held on to her ducky through many photos!

Thank you Naomi & Josh for choosing me to take your baby and family photos! <3
North Huntingdon Family Photos
North Huntingdon Family Photos
North Huntingdon Family Photos
North Huntingdon Family Photos
North Huntingdon Family Photos
North Huntingdon Family Photos
North Huntingdon Family Photos
North Huntingdon Family Photos
North Huntingdon Family Photos
North Huntingdon Family Photos
North Huntingdon Family Photos
North Huntingdon Family Photos
North Huntingdon Family Photos
North Huntingdon Family Photos
North Huntingdon Family Photos
North Huntingdon Family Photos


Ellen Jalosky


White Oak, PA