Terra & James | Round Hill Park Engagement Photos | Elizabeth, PA


Last winter, I got an email from Terra to see if I would be available to photograph her small wedding. Terra and James had wanted to have a big wedding, but after taking a good look at their budget, realized it just couldn’t happen. I was so excited to hear from her when she contacted me! But then my heart sank a little bit when I saw her wedding date – May 27. I wasn’t booked that day, but my baby was due less than 6 weeks before that. I wasn’t sure if I would be physically able to shoot a wedding that day, or be able to leave my newborn for more than a few hours. But I really wanted to shoot Terra’s wedding! After a consoling conversation with my husband, who said “It’ll be okay. Our baby will be fine with me for a few hours!), and a backup plan with my sister (who is also a wonderful photographer) I sent Terra an excited “Yes! I’d love to photograph your wedding!” Of course, I explained the situation to her so she knew what to expect if something were to happen. She was so excited.

A few hours later, I get a text from Tayler, (a longtime client and friend – you can view their wedding here!) saying “Hey! So my sister is getting married on May 27. Any chance you’re available that day to be her photographer?” Before you start to freak out, and say OH NO! Two weddings on the same day? No worries. Terra is Tayler’s sister! She had no idea that Terra had already reached out to me. It was kind of funny, and very sweet.

Terra and James had been long time sweet hearts. James proposed to her one night at dinner at this place called “The Back Porch” in Belle Vernon, with shaking hands and an audience!

I offer free engagement sessions to everyone who books me for their wedding photography. However, with their wedding so close and me being very pregnant, I wasn’t sure if we’d have a nice enough day to fit it in! But the first week of February, things warmed up a bit! There was still a little bit of snow on the ground as you’ll see in some of these photos, but it wasn’t too cold. 🙂 We met at Round Hill Park – a place Terra’s dad had taken her many times as a kid. It was exciting hearing her memories of feeding the ducks, and her dad always suggesting they go there every time they had a free afternoon.

You would never guess, but James’ had just hurt his back very badly the day before their session. He was a real trooper, and walked all around the park!

Enjoy their engagement photos!

Round Hill Park Engagement Photos
Round Hill Park Engagement Photos
Round Hill Park Engagement Photos
Round Hill Park Engagement Photos
Round Hill Park Engagement Photos
Round Hill Park Engagement Photos
Round Hill Park Engagement Photos
Round Hill Park Engagement Photos
Round Hill Park Engagement Photos
Round Hill Park Engagement Photos
Round Hill Park Engagement Photos
Round Hill Park Engagement Photos
Round Hill Park Engagement Photos
Round Hill Park Engagement Photos
Round Hill Park Engagement Photos
Round Hill Park Engagement Photos
Round Hill Park Engagement Photos
Round Hill Park Engagement Photos
Round Hill Park Engagement Photos
Round Hill Park Engagement Photos
Round Hill Park Engagement Photos
Round Hill Park Engagement Photos
Round Hill Park Engagement Photos
Round Hill Park Engagement Photos
Round Hill Park Engagement Photos
Round Hill Park Engagement Photos
Round Hill Park Engagement Photos
Round Hill Park Engagement Photos
Round Hill Park Engagement Photos
Round Hill Park Engagement Photos
Round Hill Park Engagement Photos
Round Hill Park Engagement Photos
Round Hill Park Engagement Photos


Ellen Jalosky


White Oak, PA