Kennywood Family Photos for XScream Thrills

Kennywood Family Photos

When I was a kid, most of our family vacations included a stop at some amusement park. That is, if the whole trip wasn’t focused on one!

I can recall going to Sesame Place, Bush Gardens, Disney World, Dollywood, and many other theme parks within a few days drive.

Some of these places hold such precious memories to me. Like going to Idlewild each year for the Norwin Community Picnic, and riding the Ferris wheel over and over again, always begging someone to ride with me, because it was ridiculously old, shaky, and scary. Not to mention REALLY HIGH UP.

In my many trips up to New York to photograph weddings with my sister, I always passed this small place called Lakemont Park in Altoona. I could see they had a roller coaster from the road, but what else I had no idea of.

One time, while riding with my sister and brother in law, we decided to stop and see what it was all about! I’m pretty sure Kara was pregnant at the time, so she wasn’t able to ride any rides. But Derrick and I rode that one roller coaster again and again…and then again. Something like 8 times – IN A ROW! It was such a small park, and there weren’t many people there, so the ride operator let us just stay in our seats and ride it as many times as we’d like. This particular coaster gave you a bit of air time, you know, that feeling when you’re going down a hill, and suddenly your bum comes off the seat and you pray that the lap bar or strap does its job. Otherwise, you’ll be flying through the air to goodness knows where.

Well after riding this coaster 8 times, we got back in the car and drove the rest of the way to our destination.

The next day, Kara and I photographed a wedding together. I remember it being a super rainy day. But it was beautiful!

At one point, I squatted down to photograph a decoration on the floor of the reception room, and I realized, my leg hurt. I brushed it off thinking I had just done too many squats that day, as is the life of a wedding photographer.

The next morning, I was getting dressed and realized I had a GIGANTIC bruise on my leg! Where on earth did that come from? And then I realized…those 8 rides in a row on that roller coaster, with the air time, sent my leg straight into the restraint bar, over, and over, and over again.

I very rarely bruised, so this was a big shock for me having a giant black and blue patch that took up half of my thigh. Good thing it was summer and shorts season, right? LOL – not.

Who would do something that crazy? I mean, in my younger days, I definitely loved the thrills. Who am I kidding? I still do. I just have a lot more wisdom now to know when I’ve reached my limit. 

But Derrick and Kara on the other hand, they have no limits. They literally travel around to amusement parks for business purposes now! The thrills really attract people. Thousands of people. Especially roller coasters. Who knew that virtually riding roller coasters, and having them explained to you on YouTube would give you such a huge following? They also document their adventures at each park, and have their own YouTube talk show called ERT with Derrick & Kara. I had to ask Kara what ERT meant a few weeks ago. Haha. It means “Exclusive Ride Time.”

Anyways, that brings us around to Kennywood. Our home park, and the place where Kara & Derrick, and their kids, spend most of their time.

I can remember going to kennywood when you could buy tickets to ride. I remember when the Phantom’s Revenge was the Steel Phantom and had a loop where you went UPSIDE DOWN! Though, I never got to ride it because they shut it down to change it the year that I was finally tall enough to ride. Still a little bit upset about that. Haha.

Kennywood is a great park with a huge variety of rides. But it’s also very attractive. And I know that Kara has been dreaming for years and years of having their photos taken there. But it’s never happened before because of their precious dog Abby. She always had to be in their family photos and well…no dogs are allowed at kennywood.

Unfortunately, Abby crossed the rainbow bridge earlier this year. She lived her best life and grew old with the people she loved the most.

But rather than be sad and unhappy about her passing and not being in their family photos, Kara decided it was time to have some FUN AT KENNYWOOD!

So a few weeks ago, right before they started setting up the scary fright night decor, Kara and Derrick took me to Kennywood for their annual family photos!


You’ll have to see for yourself.

Enjoy these Kennywood Family Photos! And look out for a surprise towards the end. 

Kennywood Photos
Family Bumper Cars
Family Photos Pittsburgh
Kids Portrait Kennywood
Kennywood Kangaroo
Kids Portraits at Kennywood
Phantoms Revenge Steel Curtain
Kennywood Family Time
Kennywood Engagement
Kennywood Family Photos
Steel Curtain Kennywood
Kennywood Portraits
XScream Thrills
Pittsburgh Plunge
XScream Thrills
Kennywood Bumper Cars
Potato Patch Fries
Kennywood Potato Patch
Kenny Kangaroo Kennywood

XScream Thrills (Derrick’s) Youtube Channel

Adventuring Abbeys (Kara’s) Youtube Channel

All Photos by Ellen Jalosky


Ellen Jalosky


White Oak, PA