Alex & Ryan – Pittsburgh Engagement Photos – The Waterfront

Pittsburgh Engagement Photographer

While it is true that a large majority of my clients met online, this story is not the traditional story you might be thinking. Yes, Ryan and Alex met online and here is their story!

One day, Ryan was scrolling through facebook when he noticed a beautiful girl pop up in the “people you may know” list. It said they had attended the same high school, so he clicked on her profile and fell instantly in love. Not only was she gorgeous, but she was into cosplay! Ryan scrolled through all her photos and knew he had to meet her. So he clicked the add friend button!

Alex opened her friend requests and thought “He’s kinda cute!” and added him right back. They began messaging each other and found out that though they had attended the same high school, they were a few grades apart and so their paths had never actually crossed. A few weeks later, they agreed to meet up for coffee at the Starbucks in the circle at The Waterfront in Pittsburgh. They wanted to get to know each other better! Let’s just say, it went really well.

Like really. really. well.

Ryan went home and immediately told his best friend, Seth, “I’m going to marry this girl!” I’m sure his friend probably laughed at that. After all, he had only met her one time. How can you know?

When you know, you know. 😉

It may have taken Alex a tiny bit longer than just the first date, to know how much she loved Ryan, but she quickly came to the realization, as he did, that they were soulmates.

One cold and snowy December day, Ryan told Alex that they were going out to dinner and that she needed to dress up because it was some place fancy. That was highly unusual for them. They rarely dressed up to go out, let alone eat at some place that would require it. Alex thought it was strange, but went along with it. Ryan had made reservations for dinner in downtown Pittsburgh. After they finished their meals, they got in the car and Ryan drove them up to the West End Overlook. It was so cold and windy! Alex wondered what they were doing there, and hoped it would be quick because she was freezing!

What she didn’t know was that over the course of a few weeks prior to this day, Ryan had been sneaking over to his friend Seth’s house to practice and learn a song from a musical called “The Last 5 Years.” Ryan was a theater major in college, and his friend Seth was a wonderful guitar player. So together, they worked out a song from the musical called “The Next 10 Minutes.” In the song, the couple meets, falls in love, gets engaged, and then married. It took a lot of practicing in secret because it was quite a complicated song to sing and play with just a guitar. And if Ryan was gone for too long Alex might get suspicious!

But on that night at the overlook, Ryan took Alex up the pathway, and there was Seth with his guitar, and Ryan’s brother and sister-in-law with a flowers and a video camera.

He sang his beautiful song to Alex and proposed to her right there with the city glow behind them. She was so surprised and absolutely thrilled to say yes to marry her soulmate! Not only was the proposal absolutely perfect, but Ryan gave Alex the most perfect ring with a moonstone as the center. Her favorite gem stone! And for a moment, they forgot about the cold in their embrace. It truly was the perfect day.

I had such a wonderful time capturing these engagement photos for Alex and Ryan at the Waterfront in Pittsburgh where they had their first date! It was a gorgeous day and I am so excited for their wedding coming up very soon!

Congratulations you two! Thank you for choosing me to be your wedding photographer! I can’t wait to celebrate your love on your best day!

Pittsburgh Engagement Photographer
Pittsburgh Engagement Photographer
Pittsburgh Engagement Photographer
Pittsburgh Engagement Photographer
Pittsburgh Engagement Photographer
Pittsburgh Engagement Photographer
Pittsburgh Engagement Photographer
Pittsburgh Engagement Photographer
Pittsburgh Engagement Photographer
Pittsburgh Engagement Photographer
Pittsburgh Engagement Photographer
Pittsburgh Engagement Photographer
Pittsburgh Engagement Photographer
Pittsburgh Engagement Photographer
Pittsburgh Engagement Photographer
Pittsburgh Engagement Photographer
Pittsburgh Engagement Photographer
Pittsburgh Engagement Photographer
Pittsburgh Engagement Photographer
Pittsburgh Engagement Photographer
Pittsburgh Engagement Photographer
Pittsburgh Engagement Photographer
Pittsburgh Engagement Photographer
Pittsburgh Engagement Photographer
Pittsburgh Engagement Photographer
Pittsburgh Engagement Photographer
Pittsburgh Engagement Photographer
Pittsburgh Engagement Photographer
Pittsburgh Engagement Photographer
Pittsburgh Engagement Photographer
Pittsburgh Engagement Photographer
Pittsburgh Engagement Photographer
Pittsburgh Engagement Photographer
Pittsburgh Engagement Photographer
Pittsburgh Engagement Photographer
Pittsburgh Engagement Photographer
Pittsburgh Engagement Photographer
Pittsburgh Engagement Photographer
Pittsburgh Engagement Photographer


Ellen Jalosky


White Oak, PA