Alethea’s First Christmas | Irwin Family Photographer

Irwin Family Photographer

At nearly 9 months old, Alethea’s first Christmas was an absolute dream. She really was the perfect age to be in wonder of it all. She loved looking at our Christmas tree each morning, and opening presents on Christmas day was incredibly exciting! Just wait until you see her face!

We spent Christmas Eve morning at my Meme and Grandpa’s house. It’s a tradition that I never want to lose! We have a delicious breakfast, and then me and my siblings, my cousins, and now our kids, all gather in my grandparent’s living room for a huge unwrapping!

Having two brand new babies in the family was just wonderful. Leah and Leander were just a couple weeks old on Christmas and Alethea much enjoyed her time with them; as did the rest of us!

We went to Grammy Jalosky’s house that evening for dinner and presents. Alethea just loved (and still does) her elephant chair!

On Christmas morning, we got up early and went to church! That was something new that we’ve never done before, but our pastor decided to have a service on Christmas Eve in the evening, and Christmas day in the morning! It was wonderful to get up and go worship Jesus with many others and remember the real reason for the season!

Afterwards, we came back to our house for Alethea to open her presents, and my, how exciting it was! She just loved every moment!

We headed to my parents house for lunch, and then gifts with my siblings. Later that evening, my mom’s side of the family came over as well, and we were able to celebrate with their side of the family. It was so much fun, but a very late evening for our little girl who usually goes to bed around 7pm.

2019’s Christmas was just as wonderful as 2018, and I am looking forward to having two little girls to share the magic of the season with this year!

If you’d like to see some more of Alethea’s first year, you can head over to the personal section of my blog!
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Irwin Family Photographer


Ellen Jalosky


White Oak, PA