3 Month Baby Photos – North Huntingdon Photographer

North Huntingdon Photographer

These days, I know we all need more cute baby photos in our lives. There’s no question about that! Their adorable little toes. Their squishy arms and legs. Their tiny little noses.

I’ll never forget the first moments of holding my babies in my arms. It was like a wave of peace rolled over me and the joy of being a mother overtook me. “She’s here. She’s here.” Repeated over and over again. Holding my little one tightly, all bundled up in a warm and cozy blanket, sleeping so soundly in my arms. Then suddenly her eyes begin to open, a tiny bit at a time, until she’s looking at my face for the very first time. I’m her safety. I’m her home. And my world is never the same again.

It’s funny how it feels like the next day, people began asking me if we were going to have more children. “Are you done now?” “How many kids do you want?” And truly, these days, I don’t know the answer to that. I’m sure many mother’s feel the same way. The desire to grow my family is strong. My children are one of my greatest joys.

This baby girl in these photos is NOT one of mine. haha. Although every time I post her photos, someone thinks she is. (She’s so stinking cute though, can’t blame people for thinking she’s mine. HAHA) Precious little Brynlee belongs to Bethany & Chad! You can see their gorgeous rose garden maternity photos here.

I had the privilege of capturing some 3 month baby photos of her last fall, as long as some photos of their family at Brynlee’s grandparent’s home in North Huntingdon. I love how photos help us soak up every ounce of baby goodness even after they have grown out of the baby phase.

I hope these photos bring you some joy today! <3North Huntingdon Photographer
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North Huntingdon Photographer
North Huntingdon Photographer
North Huntingdon Photographer
North Huntingdon Photographer
North Huntingdon Photographer
North Huntingdon Photographer
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North Huntingdon Photographer
North Huntingdon Photographer
North Huntingdon Photographer


Ellen Jalosky


White Oak, PA