Jalosky Weekly | Volume 2 | Our Life In Irwin PA

Life pretty much never goes as expected around here. Like this post for instance, it was supposed to be published yesterday. {facepalm}
Not even a joke, as I finally sat down to write this, Layla hurt herself…twice.
That’s just how it goes around here.

Also, I hurt my shoulder/neck on Friday and the last couple days have been just miserable. I wasn’t able to get a chiropractor appointment until Monday, so I just have to make it through one more day! But I couldn’t even think straight yesterday, so here we are today.

Anyhow, here we go! Jalosky Weekly – Volume 2.

We FINALLY got out to a restaurant as a family! Bob Evans hosted us for breakfast last Saturday morning. Alethea had delicious piggy pancakes, complete with extra eyebrows added by our waitress. 😉

Piggy Pancakes

Layla was so excited to be somewhere other than home. She was SO good in her high chair and just loved seeing other human beings around! She kept making faces at a couple across the room. I’m pretty sure they enjoyed their breakfast more because of her. 🙂

Piggy Pancakes
Piggy Pancakes
Piggy Pancakes

After our breakfast, Alethea and I headed off to grocery shop as we have been doing for weeks now. We stopped by the toy aisle, which we NEVER do. It’s too dangerous. But her birthday is coming up soon, so I thought I should get a good idea of what she would like. These petite Frozen doll sets were at the top of her list. Hint. Hint. (The troll set has already been purchased for her!)

The Frozen castle has been on her amazon wish list for a while and I was so surprised to see they had it in the store too. It’s much larger than I anticipated! It also makes noise…on second thought, maybe I should take it off her list. haha

Piggy Pancakes
Piggy Pancakes

Saturday evening, my sister Ruby came over after the kids went to bed and we played Munchkin! This was only our second or third round of playing it and it was so much more fun than the first time!

Piggy Pancakes
Piggy Pancakes

I started a Bible reading plan (in the youversion app) to read through the gospels in 30 days. I’m not good at reading. I rarely finish books because I have to have complete silence in order to focus, and as a mom of 2 young kids, silence never occurs. But the youversion app reads to you! I do really well with audible learning, and so far, I have stayed caught up! If you want to read along too, here’s the link to the plan I’m following!

We got a considerable amount of snow this week! And it’s STILL on the ground. That’s like unheard of for mid February around these parts. And it’s not going away either. Another winter storm is in the forecast, and I am SO excited because my Winter Wonderland Giveaway Session will finally be taking place next weekend!! It might even snow that day! Who knows!

Piggy Pancakes

I had a lovely wedding photography zoom meeting with an adorable couple who is getting married in just a few months! Their love story is just the SWEETEST. I couldn’t even believe it. They’re literally soulmates.

Piggy Pancakes

We had several days of sunshine this week, even though it snowed pretty much every day as well! Alethea has learned how to open all the doors upstairs now, and so we had to get those twisty handle things so she couldn’t go into Layla’s room at night. So far, they have worked out well! Fingers crossed it stays that way.

Piggy Pancakes

Speaking of Alethea, we’ve been planning for her and Layla’s birthday parties! Alethea has decided on a Frozen theme (of course) and Layla’s will likely be a woodland creatures party with deer, foxes, and bunnies.

My mom found my old American Girl Dolls a while back, and I finally fixed Molly’s hair (on the right) so she looks presentable now. Alethea just loves playing and dancing with them!

Piggy Pancakes

Like I said…we got a lot of snow this week.

Piggy Pancakes

Layla has taken to watching TV with her feet up in the air. Sometimes upside down. She thinks it’s just hilarious. I do too. 😉

Piggy Pancakes
Piggy Pancakes
Piggy Pancakes

Alethea and I have been getting a fresh bouquet of flowers every other week when we go shopping. These were a mix of two small bouquets. One from Aldi and one from Walmart. The roses are so beautiful they still look this gorgeous a week later! I’m getting better at keeping things alive. (Don’t tell that to my little aloe plant….oops.)

Piggy Pancakes
Piggy Pancakes

We got Frozen valentine’s for all of Alethea’s friends (and family)! She had such a fun time picking out which one goes to who.

Piggy Pancakes
Piggy Pancakes

We got an advertisement for Rosendahl’s which is an appliance store in Irwin, just down the road. Alethea thought it was amazing and started circling all of the things we needed to get, including a new oven, just for Mommy. 😉 They’re a really great business by the way, so if you’re looking for anything, check out their president’s day sale!

I just can’t get over Alethea’s pony tail. It makes her look so grown up. She doesn’t want one in her hair very often (a lot like me) but when she does, she gets so excited and says “I look SO beautiful!” 🙂

She got to build puzzles with Grammy on wednesday night. They haven’t been able to build puzzles together for a while, but she was so excited when she figured out they could do it together at the kitchen table.

Piggy Pancakes
Piggy Pancakes
Thursday we headed over do some valentine’s day crafts and play with cousins!

Piggy Pancakes
Piggy Pancakes

My sister has no idea what this scepter is from, so if you know, let me know! Layla thought it was great. I thought it looked like Loki’s scepter from Avengers: Age of Ultron.

Piggy Pancakes
Piggy Pancakes
Piggy Pancakes
Piggy Pancakes

Last week sometime, the light in the fan in our bedroom got permanently stuck on. The cord, when pulled, wouldn’t do anything anymore. It’s been glitching for a while, but Alethea gave it a good pull one morning and it said goodbye.

In the winter, we like to keep the fan on at night, because it gets pretty warm in our room. So not being able to turn the light off was a BIG problem. After not knowing what to do for a few days, and waking up in puddles of sweat, I decided to call in the fix it man: my bro Steve.

He installed the fans, so I figured, if anyone can fix it, it’ll be him.

I was right. 😉

Thanks Steve!

Piggy Pancakes
Piggy Pancakes
Piggy Pancakes

See…I told you Layla liked watching tv with her feet up.

Also, if you have a baby who is struggling to drink from any sippy cup, try one with a straw! Real game changer! She can actually drink on her own now.

Piggy Pancakes
Piggy Pancakes
That’s all folks. See ya next week. Happy Valentine’s Day!! <3

Love Deeply. Live Passionately.



Ellen Jalosky


White Oak, PA