Jalosky Family Christmas Letter – 2024
He is our wonderful counselor.
Our mighty God.
Everlasting Father.
The Prince of peace.
Jesus has carried us through this year as we never could have walked it on our own. He has lifted us up on his shoulders, and is protecting us from the burning wreckage.
The fire is still ablaze, but we know we will be safe in His arms.
I’ve written this letter several times now. Trying to put to words all of the things that have happened this year has been just absolutely crushing to me. The word “defeated” keeps coming to my mind. But I will not let the devil win. So I’m here to praise the Lord today for the great things He has done, and how He has brought us through the endless trials the devil has thrown our way.
So let’s get started on this roller coaster of emotions.
This year started off in the best way possible, with the birth of our Zoe Amaryllis. I was in labor with her for much longer than our other girls, but it was honestly the best hospital experience I’ve had. So I am thankful for that. She is 11 months old now! Zoe has 8 teeth that she’s proudly been using for several months now. She’s got a head full of dark blonde hair and the most excitable and happy personality ever.
Zoe is very close to walking! She may just take her first steps on Christmas Day. Who knows? We’re looking forward to celebrating her first birthday next month.
Alethea and Layla continue to be best friends. They do everything together. They’ve taken on their big sister roles to Zoe very well and are such a huge help to me.
Homeschooling is going wonderfully this year. Alethea is doing mostly 2nd grade work and Layla is in kindergarten. It has been an exciting time watching them both learn and grow.
Alethea learned to read at the beginning of the year, and has grown in that area so much that she’s reading 350 page novels now. She can read better than most adults I know. I thought that teaching a child how to read was going to be an extremely difficult task (like potty training…haha) but it went so well, I’m ready for the next one! Layla is very close to being ready to learn.
Layla turned 4 this year and we had a Superkitties birthday party for her here at our house. It was the first party we were able to have in our new home! It was so exciting to be able to fit everyone comfortably and host a nice party. One of her favorite gifts was a music box that plays a tune from Swan Lake. She was mesmerized by it. And she still is! Sometimes she winds that thing up and lets it just go and go. It makes me absolutely crazy. But I’m thrilled that it excites her.
We were able to have much of Jonathan’s family come in to town that weekend and so we had Zoe’s baby dedication the day after Layla’s party. It was wonderful to have everyone be there to witness it.
Alethea turned 6 a few days later and we celebrated with a smaller crowd this time. It was a very hard day for my family as my nephew, baby Judah, passed away that day. We were all mourning his loss. Alethea still enjoyed her princess Sophia party as we tried to make it as enjoyable as possible for her still.
We found out that we have a Japanese cherry tree at our new home in the spring and it bloomed so beautifully for several weeks! It made my heart so happy as there weren’t many pretty things planted around here before. I am looking forward to seeing it bloom for many years to come.
In May, I did something absolutely crazy and just downright insane (at least that’s what people tell me.) I deleted my Facebook and Instagram – FOREVER. It was a long time coming. And when I tell people about it, they usually say “I wish I could do that.” So here I am, giving you permission to do so. It has changed my life. It can change yours!
In the summer, we planned to take a vacation but it ended up coinciding with our new fence installation. So we took day trips around the area. We loved going to the Aviary, Bear Run nature reserve where Jonathan and I got engaged, and we even drive out to Hollidaysburg to see Jonathan’s grandparents. We got ice cream after having lunch with them and went mini golfing in the rain. It was a fun week! And when it was all over, we had a beautiful fence around our yard! It has been perfect for our dog who can now run free and not be stuck on a 6 foot chain. We also love that, so far, it has kept the deer out. Our neighbors all commented how much they love it as well, so we’re all happy.
We started working on some of the rough landscaping here at our home this year. Our property is covered in landscaping rocks. About 12 different kinds, shapes, and colors. We knew we had our work cut out for us when we moved here. And we made some big progress this year. We have a temporary fire pit now and I planted 150 bulbs that will bloom in the spring. We also planted 3 lavender bushes which have grown and we can’t wait to see bloom next summer! I cultivated a small garden which yielded me about 5 zucchini and many flowers throughout the summer and fall. It has definitely been my happy place this year.
My grandpa (Frank) passed away in July. He was greatly honored through his funeral and memorial service. So many people who were touched by him came. I miss him so much and I know Christmas will not be the same without him here.
A few weeks later, my youngest sister Ruby, was diagnosed with cancer. The third gut punch of the year. She and my mom have been flying back and forth to Chicago for her chemotherapy every couple weeks since September. She has two more treatments to go, so keep her in your prayers! We are thankful she gets to come home in between, even though we can’t see her as much. We are all praying for good health so we can finally be together as a whole family on Christmas.
In August, something wonderful happened. Alethea was baptized! When she was 4 years old she placed her faith in Jesus and she has been asking to be baptized for quite some time. It finally happened and it was one of the best days of the year, for sure! I am so thankful that she has come to know Jesus at such a young age, and that the Holy Spirit is clearly leading her life.
We had a short vacation in October at Deep Creek to celebrate Jonathan’s birthday. We enjoyed our time at the lake this year, though it was challenging with Zoe being so little and us all sleeping in the same room. Next year will be better I’m sure.
Right after we came home from that vacation, we found out that we were expecting another baby. All my tests and bloodwork were good and things seemed to be going well. I went for my 10 week ultrasound to find out that my baby stopped growing at 6 weeks. And a week later, I miscarried for the fourth time. Needless to say, we’re still deep in grief. And after all the sad events of the year, we feel like we’ve been here forever.
Here we are in December. The happiest month of the year. Right? Wrong. Jonathan became very ill several weeks ago and has been going through lots of testing to find out what is wrong. We still don’t know for sure, so please keep him in your prayers.
What we do know is that God is still here with us. He has not abandoned us. The devil is trying hard to bring us down but he will not win. There’s a new song by Matthew West that says “I’ve read the last page of the Bible and I know it’s gonna be alright.” And it’s true. God will win this battle. He is fighting for us.
He’s fighting for you too! I hope you know that this Christmas season. Jesus is the reason for it all.
2025 will be the year of slowing down and doing less. I’m looking forward to it.
Have a very merry Christmas and the happiest new year celebration!
Much love to you all,
Ellen Jalosky
Enjoy some of our family photos taken by my favorite photographer (and sister) Kara Abbey.