Greenhouse Winery Family Photos | Irwin, PA Photographer

Greenhouse Winery Family PhotosIt all started with these two. They were married and had 4 boys, two of whom were twins. Then those boys grew up, married lovely ladies, and gave their parents 11 grandchildren (with another set of twins in there!) The downside was that they all lived many states apart. Before the day we took these family photos, some of the youngest grandchildren had not even been met their grandparents, aunts, uncles, or cousins.

It was such a pleasure to capture this family reunion for the Shedlock Family at Greenhouse Winery in Irwin, PA. After we did some formal family portraits, the kids got to eat some snacks and play games in the yard! The races they had going were super competitive and fun. Seeing cousins play together warms my heart as I have such fond memories growing up with my cousins.

Big thanks to the Greenhouse Winery for letting us shoot here! You’re the best!

Greenhouse Winery Family Photos
Greenhouse Winery Family Photos
Greenhouse Winery Family Photos
Greenhouse Winery Family Photos
Greenhouse Winery Family Photos
Greenhouse Winery Family Photos
Greenhouse Winery Family Photos
Greenhouse Winery Family Photos
Greenhouse Winery Family Photos
Greenhouse Winery Family Photos
Greenhouse Winery Family Photos
Greenhouse Winery Family Photos
Greenhouse Winery Family Photos
Greenhouse Winery Family Photos
Greenhouse Winery Family Photos
Greenhouse Winery Family Photos
Greenhouse Winery Family Photos
Greenhouse Winery Family Photos
Greenhouse Winery Family Photos
Greenhouse Winery Family Photos
Greenhouse Winery Family Photos
Greenhouse Winery Family Photos
Greenhouse Winery Family Photos


Ellen Jalosky


White Oak, PA