Alethea Iris | 5-8 Months | Fall Family Photos

(If you missed them, you can find Alethea’s birth photos hereAnd her 2-4 month photos here)

Fall Family Photos

Alethea’s 5-8 month photos are some of my favorites. Once she started eating real food, and learned how to sit up on her own, she became the happiest baby in the world! It was a beautiful change.

She loved exploring new places with us. Thanks to the Ergobaby carrier we bought, taking her everywhere was so easy! I used it every time I went to the grocery store, and Jonathan loved wearing it when we went on trips.

In these months, we visited the free side of Swallow Falls at Deep Creek and I attempted to get some photos of the three of us together. It was not an easy task since I didn’t bring my tripod. We ended up with two decent photos of the three of us, which I love. Then on our way back to the car, I did a camera selfie, and Alethea looked up and smiled.

Aunt Ruby knit Alethea a giraffe hat when she was born, and it finally fit her at 5 months. She had a cute giraffe outfit so I did some more formal baby photos of her. They are absolutely adorable!

Jonathan’s birthday was in October and we celebrated with our families at our house! I made cupcakes and came up with a fun game of “guess who.” I had everyone write down a random fact about the person to their right. Then we mixed them all up, and Jonathan had to guess who was who. It was more tough than you’d think! He got down to the last two and had no idea.

The next day, we went to Triple B Farms for their fall festival! It was incredibly hot that day and so there were a lot of people there! They had a rope maze, life size board games, a giant bouncy pavilion, and hayrides to where you could pick apples and pumpkins! We had such a great time and can’t wait to go back again this year! Our goal was to get to their corn maze, but by the time the hayride was over, Alethea was ready for a nap. So I am excited to go back this year and do that part!

Our house faces the west, and so we often have a perfect view of the sun setting. We had one particular night where the sky was bright pink and purple. I couldn’t pass it up!

Ruby and I took Alethea out to Schramm’s farms to pick out a pumpkin for our porch. Their fall festival was mostly over, but they still had a lot of pumpkins! If you have the chance to go there earlier in the month, it is definitely worth it, and FREE! We had so much rain last year though, that it ruined a lot of plans for these places. Hopefully this year will be different, but who knows!

Enjoy these photos!

Fall Family Photos
Fall Family Photos
Fall Family Photos
Fall Family Photos
Fall Family Photos
Fall Family Photos
Fall Family Photos
Fall Family Photos
Fall Family Photos
Fall Family Photos
Fall Family Photos
Fall Family Photos
Fall Family Photos
Fall Family Photos
Fall Family Photos
Fall Family Photos
Fall Family Photos
Fall Family Photos
Fall Family Photos
Fall Family Photos
Fall Family Photos
Fall Family Photos
Fall Family Photos
Fall Family Photos
Fall Family Photos
Fall Family Photos
Fall Family Photos
Fall Family Photos
Fall Family Photos
Fall Family Photos
Fall Family Photos
Fall Family Photos
Fall Family Photos
Fall Family Photos
Fall Family Photos
Fall Family Photos
Fall Family Photos
Fall Family Photos
Fall Family Photos
Fall Family Photos
Fall Family Photos
Fall Family Photos
Fall Family Photos
Fall Family Photos
Fall Family Photos
Fall Family Photos


Ellen Jalosky


White Oak, PA