Baby Connor – Sunroom Newborn Photos
The first days after bringing home a new baby can be difficult. But those hard days are so easily forgotten when that little newborn looks up at you and smiles. That toothless, gummy smile can just melt your heart!
It brings so much joy to see your children grow up together. How they learn to love each other and watching them interact can make you feel completely in love in a way you’ve never felt before.
Baby Connor stole the hearts of his family very quickly in those first days! His big sister began taking her new role very seriously. And mama & dada were totally in love!
I met the Swarner family at their home for baby Connor’s newborn photos. They have a gorgeous sunroom that they had recently remodeled. The huge windows and big open space was perfect for an in home session. At just a few days old, little Connor loved being snuggled and wrapped up for his photo debut.
Welcome to the world little guy! It was truly a pleasure being with the Swarner family again. You can see their maternity photo session from Round Hill Park here!